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Why Diets Don't Make You Lose Weight

Why Diets Don't Make You Lose Weight
Have you tried most of the diets out there, and then announce the weight very quickly recovered and eventually weigh more? You are not alone. Statistics say that over 80 percent of people who have lost weight regain all or more after two years. Have you ever felt like a failure every time it happened? How does the desire and effort to have a healthy body and look better and in this vicious circle? The answer is very simple: It's not your fault - Diets do not work and actually cause great harm to our body. We simply have to accept the fact that to obtain this coveted body have to stop dieting and change our lifestyle. So before you start a new weight loss plan consider these few factors:
1. We are all genetically predisposed to a certain weight. If your body is solid, heavy construction will be almost impossible for you to become lean and thin as a ballet dancer. I wish the reality was different, but unfortunately, our body will always try to maintain a certain weight and can not change our body type.
Two. When you start a restrictive diet, your body automatically goes into starvation mode. Just assume that you will not have enough calories in the near future in order to survive, you must slow down your metabolism and operate a reduced amount of energy. This is all due to ancient times when our ancestors did not have 24/7 access to food and did not know when his next meal would come. Whenever food became scarce, their body begins to burn fuel more efficiently to try to survive the famine early. However, this survival mechanism works against us, because all we want is at our disposal all the time. Unfortunately, our bodies do not understand this. When we stop dieting and increase food intake, our bodies are running on a slower metabolism mode with energy more efficiently. The more you diet, the more efficient your body becomes operational in less calories and it is harder to lose weight.
Three. When you are on a diet, it is easy to get excited at first, especially with the rapid loss of initial weight. But after a while you start feeling deprived and unsatisfied. This leads to an obsession with food. If your mind is constantly focused on what can and what can not eat, there is no way you will be able to support a strict diet. That is why, after a few weeks of religion following your meal plan, it falls back and crave and eat more than before. Moreover, most diets do not provide tasty meals taste think fat, no sugar ... After submitting this, it is natural that you are prone to binge after a while.
April. Often restrictive diets only allow a narrow range of food, which leads to nutrient deficiencies. The poorest in nutrients that are needed the most experienced cravings. This is not very helpful when it comes to losing weight.
May In addition to slowing metabolism and nutritional deficiencies that your body is under a lot of stress and after a while the chemical changes in the body and therefore the secretion and the level of hormones responsible for hunger and satiety. If these hormones are not working properly your body is not able to indicate when it is full or hungry. That is why, when you have finished your diet, you tend to overeat.
So I suggest you consider all these things before you plan to start a new diet and approach the issue in a different way. Try changing your relationship with food and make small changes that are sustainable for life and will help you maintain your ideal weight for the long term.
If you need help, work with a qualified health coach to implement these changes. Really worth it and you will not need to diet!


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